Display Object Background Image

This screen can be reached from the Display Object Properties Box, the Gauge Designer, or the Enhanced Object Script Editor.

Controls on the Background Image Screen
  • Drag & Drop Feature - You can drag & drop an image file onto this screen to use it as the background image.

  • Clear - Removes the background image.

  • Import - Loads an image from a file.

  • Edit - Exports the background image into a temporary bitmap file, launches the associated editing program, and then imports the changes when you are done.

  • Export - Saves the image into a bitmap file.

  • Zoom - Enlarge the background image.

  • Rotate - Rotate the background image.

  • Chroma Key - Make a specific color transparent.

  • Maintain Aspect Ratio - Renders the background image using its original proportions, rather than filling all of the available space.

  • Preview Entire Object - Shows the complete Display Object with this background.

Background images will be stored directly in your project, template, and style files. They are not linked to an image file on your computer. Be aware that this can substantially increase the size of your project, template, and style files. Each 720x480 image can add approximately 1 MB in file size.